Little Light Midwest Musicians is a non-profit organization registered with the Illinois government and granted a tax-exempt status under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). The organization provides music education programs, workshops, and concerts for underrepresented groups such as ethnic minorities, seniors in assisted care facilities, children and youth from low-income families, and people with disabilities.

All performers, teachers, or supporters are welcome to join the organization and contribute to the wellbeing of the community.

Members of Little Light Midwest Musicians will brainstorm new ideas at meetings, enjoy fellowship and networking, and lead all music activities that the organization hosts. Please email for further questions. Thank you.

Board of Directors

Young Woo Lee Kim, Chair 

Kyoo Seung Cho, Vice-Chair 

Sojung Lee Hong, Executive Director 

Misook Kim, Treasurer 

Ghibong Kim, Secretary 

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